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Jenni Gilmour


With close to 20 years experience working with children, teenagers, and
families, Jenni has worked across a range of community service and private
practice settings. She offers counselling and support to families facing many of
life's challenges. Jenni is an experienced counselling Psychologist supporting
individuals and families to resolve issues, improve relationships and reach
their full potential. 


Jenni is passionate about providing children and teenagers a warm and comfortable experience when in her care. She takes a holistic approach to
counselling that is refreshingly optimistic. Because she believes that all children are unique, Jenni tailors her consultations to meet the special needs of each individual and family. 


With a broad range of skills and experience to draw upon, Jenni has a particular interest in supporting children and young people to manage emotions more effectively, improve confidence and self esteem, and relate better to families and peers. 


Jenni can assist with issues around anxiety, sadness, self-harm, trauma, and behaviour both at home and school, and is trained in a variety of interventions
including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, mindfulness-based interventions
including ACT, Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP), CBIT (habit
reversal training for tics), EMDR, and EFT (tapping). 


She has a particular interest in parenting and attachment, and regularly facilitates groups and workshops aimed at improving the skill repertoire and emotional intelligence of parents, including Tuning in to Kids and Circle of Security. 


At home she has two little people of her own who continually teach her to practice what she preaches! 


Jenni is both a Medicare and an NDIS-approved provider.

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